My Healthy Lifestyle Tool Kit for 2020

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As I move slowly through the last couple days of 2019, I’m taking some time to evaluate my health. Where its lead me over 2019 and how I want to continue to improve and build upon it in the new year. So, this morning I thought I would share my healthy lifestyle tool kit that I’ve prepared to ensure that I am successful at building on my health (and my families health) in 2020.

Oral Care

My teeth have always been slightly problematic. Not completely awful, but I’ve struggled with dedicating the time I need to ensure proper cleaning and maintenance. I’ve moved up my oral care on my priority list for 2020 because of the treatment I’m having done on my gums currently. On top of completing my gum therapy in March, I’ve designed a proper cleaning regime going forward. This will take 6 minutes in the morning and right before bed.

2020 Oral Care Plan: Time - 10 minutes.

  • Floss

  • Water pick (water mixed with a cap of hydrogen peroxide)

  • Brush with my new Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart and utilize their app.

  • Mouthwash: Water with 2 caps of hydrogen peroxide.

Plant Based Lifestyle

I’ve mentioned before that we were transitioning to a more plant based lifestyle, based off the book "How Not To Die” by Dr. Greger. This book was a big eye opener, as Dr. Greger discussed in detail all the diseases facing the modern world today and how plant based eating can reverse and protect against such diseases. Dr. Greger designed an app ‘The Daily Dozen’ which focuses on the foods and, more importantly for me to see, the portion sizes of each that will maximize the nutritional benefit of each of these food groups.

I was gifted the “How Not to Die Cookbook” from my amazing mom and I’m SO excited to incorporate these recipes into our weekly meal plan. Stay tuned on Instagram stories for recipes I try out!

2020 Diet Plan

  • 5 out of 7 days plant based diet.

  • For 2 days out of the week our diet will not be restricted. So it can include dairy and meat. Usually this will fall on Friday night meal and Saturday meals.

  • I will be switching from cows milk in my coffee to almond milk and removing it completely.

  • Amelia will still have dairy and meat. I feel it’s important for her to transition more slowly into more plant based eating, and my aim is to have her eating plant based 4/7 days by the end of 2020.


In October 2018 my Husband and I went totally sober after reading the book “This Naked Mind”. Such an eye opening book and we spent 6 months of no booze life before we decided to incorporate it back in to our diet in April 2019. We enjoy having a glass of wine together, visiting vineyards etc. and we wanted to incorporate that back into our life. Ultimately, we wanted to find a balance, and I now believe that we have. For me, I’ve moved to having a glass of wine (or champagne) one or two nights per week, which is usually Friday and Saturday night. I’ve decided no booze on Sunday or during the week works best for me and my body. Apart from the health benefits of not drinking regularly, my weight has dramatically decreased. Since I’m no longer drinking calories (especially Champs. Love the champs but man. Those calories) I’m not packing on the extra weight. 5 out of 7 days alcohol free is more than achievable, and will benefit not only my waistline but also bank account.

2020 and Alcohol

  • 5 out of 7 days alcohol free



I like to schedule my exams and check ups in January, which means I’m on the phone and computer in December setting up appointments for myself. This year exams will include a physical exam and eye exam. I try and do a physical every other year, as I had cervical cancer cells discovered and removed when I was in my early 20’s and want to ensure those cells don’t make a reappearance.

2020 Exams

  • Physical

  • Eye exam

Redefining Exercise

I have a personality type of being all in or nothing when it comes to exercise, and 2020 is the year I hope to find more freedom. Instead of focusing on exercising daily, which is what I’ve done in the past, I instead will be focusing just on movement. I have a Fitbit Inspire and will be utilizing the step counter as I go about my day.

In reality, I’m always moving and exercising. I have a very active almost 4 year old human and a 4 bedroom house that is constantly being reset and cleaned. I normally don’t sit down during my day. When I really thought about why my previous plan for exercise weren’t working out with my schedule, I realized I’m already doing the exercise I need to be healthy. I may throw in some running on my treadmill or yoga, but my focus is no longer on activities identified as exercise, but just movement in general.

2020 Movement Plan

  • Walk a minimum of 7,000 steps per day

  • That’s it.

Redefining exercise 2020


I have yo-yo’d in my weight since before Amelia was born, even when I was a figure skating coach I can look back and now see I was underweight and not being kind to my body. I have finally found a weight where I feel my best and was happy to reach it after moving to a plant based diet and reducing alcohol consumption to 2 days per week. With this flu and pneumonia that hit me over Christmas, I have actually went below my target weight and will be working to bring it back up over the new year.

I was gifted the Arboleaf scale from my Husband for my birthday in November (which I asked for! This isn’t some weird Peloton addvert). The Arboleaf is a smart scale that connects to your phone and gives you alllll the information. Weight (of course), BMI, body fat, visceral fat, bone mass and so so much more. My plan is to continue to utilize this scale throughout the year to ensure I’m not dipping below or above my target weight.

2020 Weight

  • Maintain weight at 125 (note: I’m 5’5)

  • Utilize the Arboleaf scale and app to track and maintain.


Amelia is (fingers crossed) finally sleeping through the night on a consistent basis. Besides this last month or two of illness, she has been fairly good about sleeping from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Took a long time to get here, but finally I feel that I can focus more on my sleep quality. Took almost 4 years.

Again, utilizing my Fitbit Inspire I will be working on improving my sleep score. The Fitbit tracks movement during sleep, heart rate and the different levels of sleep to give you a score for the night. I’m aiming at an 80 sleep score nightly. This means I need to do a couple of things before closing my eyes for the evening. Remove electronic distractions, shut down my mind and hydrate.

2020 Zzzzz Plan

  • Turn off phone one hour prior to going to sleep

  • Turn off TV or Ipad one hour prior to going to sleep

  • Full glass of water before bed time

  • Aim for bed time between 9:00 and 9:30 each night, and wake up between 5:00 and 5:15 each morning.

sleep in 2020

Spirituality and Meditation: Redesigning my Morning Ritual

I’ve incorporated some of these tools into my life in the last year and months, however I’m now looking to combine everything into one seamless morning ritual. Going into 2020, here is what my morning is going to look like:

2020 Morning Ritual: Total time - 45 minutes

  • Wake up between 5:00-5:15 AM

  • Faith

  • Meditation: 5 minutes with the Calm app

  • Make bed

  • Shower

  • AM oral care and skin care

  • If time permits, have a coffee and wait for Amelia to wake up

  • Read a book with Amelia before starting AM resets of the upstairs, and moving downstairs for breakfast.

So, that’s my plan!

Not really resolutions or goals, more of a redesign of my health game plan. Will this plan work perfectly every day? Maybe, maybe not. BUT the key here is the fact that I’ve dedicated the time I needed to figure out a plan to move my health into the forefront going into the new year.

What’s in your healthy lifestyle tool kit as you go into 2020? Let me know in the comments!


healthy lifestyle toolkit 2020