4 Quick Tips to Organize Halloween Decorations

The Holiday seasons are upon us! Which means fun, food, treats and celebrations!

Along with all that good things holidays bring comes the added responsibility of figuring out how to take care of all the “stuff” that can come along with times of celebration. Today I’m talking about Halloween and what you can do to organize all the fun Halloween decorations you get ready to take it down.

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Lay everything out and ask yourself questions

I recommend starting at the beginning. When you’re packaging up any decorations, like Halloween decorations, making sure you know what you have and if it’s in the proper working order before storing it is crucial and will save you precious time preparing to celebrate in the upcoming year. Spending a relatively small amount of time now checking for batteries to remove and store, looking for wear and tear on family favorite decor, assessing the possibility of selling or gifting items to others that no longer serve you and your family.

  • Are you parting with some decorations? Will you sell them or donate them?

  • Do any of the decorations have batteries? Be sure to remove them and store in a bag before storage. I like to remove the batteries, place in a bag and then tape it to the decoration in question so everything is in the same spot.

  • Is something broken? Can it be repaired / do you want to repair it?

  • Does something need to be mended? Is a ghost in need of a quick patch up job?

  • Are you keeping the kids halloween costumes? Or will you part with them?

Organizing Halloween decorations

Where will these items be living?

You’ve figured out what you’re keeping, now let’s look to where and what you’re going to keep it in. What space have you designated to store decorations? For us it’s our basement which has ample storage. If you’re in an apartment do you have a storage lock up that you will be storing it in? Or in your home?

  • Decide on a space that’s purpose is housing decoration storage.

  • The amount of room you have in that space will dictate what storage containers will be necessary or unnecessary.

Assess storage

Before running out to buy storage boxes and containers (which can add up!!) I recommend looking around your home for pre-existing storage solutions. Do you have any old Amazon boxes lying around? Diaper boxes? Any box can be repurposed as a storage box for decorations. Hint: Not everything needs to match all the time. Storage boxes just need to be durable enough to protect and store your decor for the upcoming year.

  • Look around your house for pre-existing storage solutions like diaper boxes, Amazon boxes or old shipping boxes.

  • Assess the storage containers that were previously housing decorations. Are they still good for another year?

  • Look at your location. Do you need waterproof containers because of the possibility of flooding in your area?

  • Purchase if necessary!

Get it done

The last step and sometimes the most difficult, is execution. Setting aside an hour or two to actually get the job done. Here are some tips to help you execute and not fall back into procrastination!

  • Set a timer - Grab your phone or alarm clock and set a timer for 30 minutes. Once you set the timer get to work until you hear the bell chime. 9/10 you will be in the middle of organizing and storing and if that’s the case then set the timer for an additional 30 minutes so you can get the job done.

  • Entertainment - Make a possibly annoying job easier by setting up a TV show to watch or your favorite music to listen to while you take care of halloween supplies.

  • Don’t let things sit - Avoid letting this sit for a long period of time. Once you organize your decorations, immediately put them in their proper storage container and then place in your home. If you allow items to sit without finalizing the two steps chances are they may sit there forever!

I hope these tips can help you not only have a quick and easy clean up after this Halloween season, but also set you up for success next Halloween!



Quick tips to organize halloween decorations