Monday Communiqué: 06/19/2017

Good morning and happy Monday friend!

I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever and for that I am extremely sorry. The last several weeks have been full of sickness (both me, Amelia and now my Husband!), entertaining, guests and to top everything off my sudden need to change my website! I'm excited to jump into a new week and new challenges!

So, what's changed on the website?

  • The overall layout of the website and blog is now totally different. Instead of having four separate blogs I know have one! Much simpler to explore, a great template with larger pictures and easy to scroll on mobile devices.
  • Amazon Associate - I signed up to be an Amazon Associate about a month ago so now I'm integrating my top products that I use everyday in my home into the blog and website. Just to give you a lowdown on what that means: When there is a link or an advertisement to an amazon product and you click through and end of purchasing it, I receive a small comission. This association doesn't cost you any additional money and I hand pick all the items that I display on my website! Everything you see here in either link format, advertisement or store I use almost daily in our home. 
  • Sidebar - there is now a sidebar in the individual blog posts (fancy!) with the latest post information, a 'Follow' button for bloglovin so you can keep up to date when a new post goes lives (oh my gosh, finally right?) the Instagram feed and one of my favorite organizational tools that you can find on amazon. 
  • New Navigation Menu - The menu is now located on the top left in a drop down format. On mobile it is located at the bottom left and will appear when you start scrolling on your phone.
  • The Becoming Organized series has a new splash page that will link you directly to the four posts. yay!

On the Blog this Week

Wednesday - Guest post by Krysta Manning entitled "The Art of Saying "NO" and Why it Matters"! I have been dying to share this guest post with you and I'm so excited for you to read it!  

Friday - On Friday I will be posting a blog entitled "Time Management: Cleaning - Know Your Numbers" which looks at the amount of time we spend cleaning our home and why knowing that number matters for our productivity and motivation!

Amazing Videos

Jennifer L. Scott at 'The Daily Connoisseur' - This morning I'm sharing a new video of hers entitled "3 Problems in my 10 Item Wardrobe" which is an amazing video of how she tackles problem clothing in her closet. Check it out!

Bethany Herwegh at "The Glamorous Housewife" - I miss Bethany's "Making it Modern" Youtube Series so incredibly much! Bethany has been working on different adventures over the last year, however her Youtube channel is still a huge source of inspiration and entertainment to me! This morning I thought I would share her video for crown jewel Jello dessert! This is a fabulous take on a classic recipe. Enjoy!

Currently Reading

I'm currently reading "Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life" and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! This book is a collection of stories from an author that has lived, as I have lived, many lives in her short life. Who finds the joy and meaning behind every event be it small or large. If you're looking for a pool side (or just a solid book) check this one out! 


Monday Musings

Don’t be a thermometer, be a thermostat.

This was the surprising piece of advice I received from my smiling coffee guy. The gentleman that provides me my once-a-week luxury of caffeine and quiet when I drop Amelia off at the facilities kid care. Once a week I go into this little coffee shop and am usually served by the same man. He is consistently joyous and always energetic. Greeting each and every person that walks into the store with a friendly smile and a big "hello!". Last week as I stood across from him, about to order my coffee, he asked how I was doing. 

"Well, we will see how we do today"

And with a huge smile, his response was:

"Don't be a thermometer. Be a thermostat.

Which resulted in my blank stare (blank = sleep deprived, coffee deficient stare. The kind of stare only a mother with a child who's been sick for several days can have) And then he went on:

"A thermometer tells you the temperature .  A thermostat dictates the temperature."

Friends, there are few times in my life that I actually am blown away by something someone says. I am rarely (even for a moment) speechless. This advice is something I've never heard before. It's something that has never been pushed at me from the various Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook various algorithms. I have not seen it in beautiful typography or colors. I have not heard it discussed or talked about in Blog format. This simple piece of advice, literally, rocked my morning.

Don't allow outside sources (or life in general) be the thermometer of your life, telling you what you should be feeling and thinking or how you should be living. Instead, be a thermostat and dictate the way you are going to feel each morning.  Be a thermostat and dictate your feelings, actions and purpose. Knowing this small, powerful piece of advice and implementing it, can change your life. 

You are in control of you.  

Be like my friend at the coffee shop and repeat this small, mighty mantra to yourself each morning. And if we do, maybe we can have the same amount of boundless happiness and energy as he does.

Yours at the perfect temperature, 


My Weekend in Pictures!

The sun was shining high this weekend!

The sun was shining high this weekend!

The temperature hit over 100 F this weekend and we spent a lot of time on Sunday cooling off in the pool!

The temperature hit over 100 F this weekend and we spent a lot of time on Sunday cooling off in the pool!

We made a trip out to the beach this weekend and Amelia loved it! She loves playing in the sand, but is wary of the vast ocean. 

We made a trip out to the beach this weekend and Amelia loved it! She loves playing in the sand, but is wary of the vast ocean. 

One of my good friends brought me this amazing doughnut on Friday so I had to share it. I miss it. 

One of my good friends brought me this amazing doughnut on Friday so I had to share it. I miss it.