My Favorite Things: January Edition

This will be my first favorite things post since I began my blog many moons ago! Since I no longer am posting the ‘Monday Communique’ post (for now!) I thought I would include this fun new monthly recap of products, people or places I love! 

The Space Cube

I was gifted the Space Cube a while back from the lovely creator of the cube, Carol! I have been meaning to post about this beautiful addition to our home for a while now and am so excited to share it with you here today! Before Carol had contacted me I was looking for a system that would act as a command center in our home. Somewhere we could store our keys, glasses, wallets and all the little things you sometimes come home with that needs a holding area. Carol’s email could not of come at a better time! We welcomed the beautifully designed cube into our home and have never looked back. It acts as a true Organized catch all and keeps everything corralled in once placed so we never misplace something. The Cube comes with several different compartments, from small to large, that will easily allow you to find the right space for your items. 

The space cube - side


A couple of weeks ago I posted an article about my love for ThredUP and quality second hand clothing. Go check the article out and then jump over to the ThredUP website to see if you can find anything that would fit your lifestyle!  

Natural DIY cleaning products

I have been mixing my own cleaning products for almost two months and I am beyond in love with it! The process of finding, tweaking, creating and using my own products has been such a pleasure for me! I will be posting a list of recipes I am using in FeFebruary, but if you’re looking to implement some DIY cleaning into your life hop over to the blog and check out this lovely ladies recipes!  

Google Home

We’ve had a Google Home for a little over a year and we absolutely love it. There’s something about asking a robot a question that makes you feel like you somehow control the world.... I know that google is continuing to update and add to its software and there is some amazing features that the Google Home does now (like order from Walmart). But the primary purpose for the device in our home is answering questions and playing music from our Spotify account. At this point I’m not quite sure what I would do without it!  (Will this be part of a giveaway at some point in the future?...hummmm...)


We're missing summer and our hot weather lately! We've been under fog and rain for what feels like forever. To combat this cold wet weather, we've started listening to Tycho which reminds us of Cancun, sunshine and beaches! 


I said buy-bye to Netflix at the end of December, so its been a full month of no more of the "red-N"! And do we miss it? Nope. Quick background: I have a super old Apple TV that I REFUSE to upgrade to the new models because, why? Why do I have to pay for a device twice when there’s nothing wrong with the current one?? (End rant). Anyways, Apple has added the Amazon Prime app to said old school platform and now we have access to it which is AMAZING. What can't Amazon do now? (Amazon if you're listening I love you. As much as Apple? That's tricky I won't choose sides.) Amazon now has original kids content including "If you give a mouse a cookie" (the theme song will be stuck in your head forever, fair warning.) along with adult content. #winning. 

 Open Letter to Netflix

Dear Netflix, if you hadn't gotten rid of "Murder, She Wrote" and "Columbo" we may still have been friends instead of breaking up. 

Its you. Not me.  

bye-bye Netflix

So there you have it! Thats my monthly recap of everything I'm loving right now! What are the current essentials in your life? Comment bellow or on Instagram or Facebook and let me know!